Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Daily News 5/15/12


This article is about the secret history of ketchup. Some interesting facts about this condiment that every one in America loves is that the first ketchup was made of a mixture of sea creatures, soaked for days in pickling vinegar and spices. After having it pickle then it was known as the very first basic thing of ketchup or French dip. Over 97% of Americans right now in their fridge have a bottle of ketchup in it. This is a really cool article that should grab anyone's attention because I don't know one person who doesn't like to have ketchup on a burger or on the classic french fries.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Daily News 5/14/12


An Ivy League janitor received a degree from the school at which he is a janitor. He is employed by Columbia University, he didn't have to pay for any of the classes. His degree was in classic literature and he loves to read. This is a very interesting article I am glad he decided to receive a degree and are really proud for him. He is quite old but good for him for going ahead and getting that degree.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Daily News 5/10/12


This article is about a famous hairstyling pioneer Vidal Sassoon died at his home in California early this morning. He died of natural causes, he was born in 1928 in Engand land. At the age of 12 he started giving people haircuts and hairstyles. This is a very tragic day in the hair industry and fashion world. Very sad day and he was an important icon for the fashion and hair style world.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Daily News 5/8/12


This article is about the famous baseball player's home for sale. Babe Ruth's home is for sale by Coldwell Banker for 1.65 million dollars in Sudbury, Mass. This house features five bedrooms and three and a half bathrooms. He only lived in this home for about four years from 1922-1926. This is a very interesting article because a famous baseball star used to live there and it's for sale? Beautiful house and is glad a historical marker is at the house of Babe Ruth. Huge baseball fan!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Daily News 5/7/12


This article is about a softball umpire that died of a heart attack in the middle of the second inning. This umpire was only 60 years old at the time and just collapsed on the field. Very sad news article to read because the umpire was perfectly healthy and only needed a knee replacement at the time. This news highlight should only be local news instead of the world wide news. Very sad article wishing the family and friends of umpire the best!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Daily News 5/3/12


This article is about Junior Seau's death yesterday at his home. This deeply saddens a lot of people along with a bunch of people. A bunch of people from the year the of 1994 team of San Diego Chargers which many of those players have died. David Griggs also died from being in an accident, the next death was the Rodney Culver and his wife died on a plane crash. Another player Doug Miller was struck by lightning twice, and Curtis Whitley also died of a drug overdose in 2008, and Chris Mims, Lew Bush, and Shawn Lee died of heart attacks. This is a very sad article because it awful that many of those players on that team died. Hoping for the best for his family and friends.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Daily News 5/1/12


This article about Lopez Lomong making a big mistake in the U.S. qualifier run at the Stanford University. He was running his 5000 meter run and celebrated a victory a little bit earlier than what he was suppose to celebrate. This is a really funny article but he can't be doing that in the Olympics or he will lose really badly. Olympics are also only 87 days away in London also. Good article and congratulations to Lomong on winning the race!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Daily News 4/26/12


This article is about an ESPN strange moment on live television. Steve Weissman made a weird comment towards Sage Steele that she was flirting with Wes Welker during an interview earlier in the program. After he made that comment she said, "excuse me?"  I think it was actually kind of funny but not funny at all for Sage.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Daily News 4/24/12


This article is about the summer 2012 Olympics in London, England. Officials are having big problems with foxes chewing through wires with technology and stuff. This is a surprising problem through which they didn't expect. I really like this article because I am super excited about the summer Olympics!

Daily News 4/24/12


This article is about a newly discovered purple crab in the Philippines on the island of Palawan. One unique thing about the crab is the rich purple color. These crabs are about an inch or two wide and very unique and promising to the animal world. New discoveries everyday in our world can help us learn, discover, and expand our knowledge of the animals we know today. I really like this article because it's always cool to hear about the new species in the Philippines.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Daily News 4/23/12


This article is about a woman who drank two gallons of coke-cola a day in her thirty year lifetime. She died of a heart attack in 2010. Medical examiners have said she probably died because a number of reasons and one reason might because she consumes so many bottles of soda. Low potassium levels might have a had a reason as well. This I think goes to show that soda in general is not healthy for us to consume very much at all. Weird, interesting, and surprising article for today!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Daily News 4/19/12


This article is about the most unhealthiest burgers in America. The most unhealthiest burger was from Chili's Jalapeno Smokedhouse Bacon Burger. This astonishing at 1,910 calories inside this burger, there is also 5,290 mg of sodium also wrapped up in this burger. There are several other burgers that aren't very healthy for you on this also. This is so surprising to me that restaurants serve such unhealthy products to their customers. Just an article that really surprises me a lot!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Daily News 4/17/12

From: yahoo.comhttp://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/granny-drug-kingpin-busted-oklahoma-142202087--abc-news-topstories.html

This article is about a 73 year-old woman who was the head of a drug company in Oklahoma. She recently got busted with four pounds of pot and $276, 000 in her home. Police found the money in $15,000 bundles. She said that the money was part of her retirement and she intended to put it in the bank and save it. Her pot and marijuana dealings were traced to four different states: Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas. This is a very interesting article, it really surprising that an old granny would be dealing drugs.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Daily News 4/10/12


This article is about an airline passenger catching a video that was an "UFO" saucer. Airline passengers were flying over South Korea and saw a flying saucer in the air. I think this is a very funny and maybe still have a mystery behind the whole UFO thing. I personally think that it was a remote control flying saucer and wasn't real. Interesting article, kind of a weird topic.

Daily News 4/12/12

From: yahoo.com

This article is about the best and worst jobs in 2012. The best jobs ranked among them are: software engineer, actuary, human resources manager, dental hygienist, and financial planner. The five worst jobs are: lumberjack, dairy farmer, enlisted military personnel, oil rig worker, and newspaper reporter. I think these are interesting trends in the new powerful jobs. I think the software engineer is a surprising number one job of 2012. I really like this article because it can tell us what the future jobs will be in America.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Daily News 4/5/12


From: yahoo.com

This video is about  a grandmother who was babysitting at the time when the tornado hit. They lived in Fortney, Texas, she was holding on to the children's legs because the power of the wind sucked the children from her arms. The grandmother and the children came into a bath tub and held on for dear life and everything around that bath tub was blown away. I think this is a really good article of hope and faith, I think I really would appreciate to hear about happy articles about good things in life. Very good article very important to hear that all of the children and the grandmother survived. The grandmother is a hero for the children and their parents.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Daily News 4/3/12


By: King 5 News msnbc.com

This article is about people who love bacon! People from Seattle, Washington, are making bacon lovers feel loving and welcoming when dieing. This casekt and/or coffin is decorated like a strip of bacon, they incorpated the colors from pork and bacon they are definately inspiring colors. The interior of the casket is has an adjustable bed and mattress and for the memorial tube/pillow is a bacon piece. The casket cost $2,999.95 without shipping and it can be bought online. I think this is such a funny article because I love bacon but not that much that I would want to be buried in a casket that looks like a piece of bacon. I find it odd and hilarious at the same time. Very interesting fun article!

Daily News 4/2/12


By: Chris Chase from yahoo.com

This article about the New Orleans head coach Sean Peyton finding away to figure out away to entertain himself while serving a suspension of the Bounty program. Anyways he played the bongos for Jimmy Buffet on Sunday night for the Final Four concert before. Buffet before the concert wore a shirt that said "FREE SEAN PEYTON." Jimmy Buffet has been a huge supporter of the New Orlean Saints since 1967. I think this an interesting article because it is suprising how some people act depending on certain pressures. Just really suprises me about how big a figure he is to New Orleans and the fact he played the bongos.

Daily News 3/29/12


By: Wendy Geller yahoo.com

This article is about Taylor Swift reacting to the joke about her and Tim Tebow being an item/ being on a date together. Swift is known for her on-air reactions to those akward moments in televison. Blake Shelton and Reba McEntire hosted the Academy of Country Music Awards last night and started off the show with a few jokes. One of the jokes included Tim Tebow and Taylor Swift and Shelton said, "Now that's what he has been praying for all this time." Taylor Swift was baffeled and a little bit shock to this joke about Tim Tebow. I think this is an interesting article because I really like watching the Academy of Country Musiv Awards and after the Faith Hill incident a couple years back all the country stars have kind of lowered their reaction levels to a minimum.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Daily News 3/27/12

From: yahoo.com

This article is about the top ten architectural hotels that are an awesome get away for a vacation. There are many hotels that are fantastic on this list, there is one located in Chicago. Six of these ten hotels are under $200 dollars a night stay. This an interesting article because I am interested in being an architectural engineer and maybe an architect someday and very cool that these motels are tech savy.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Daily News 3/26/12


From: yahoo.com

This news article is about Dick Cheney getting a heart transplant. Everyone keeps on asking how old is told to have a heart transplant. He is currently seventy-one years old and just received a heart transplant. Other figures of the media keep on questioning how old can a person be in order to be to old for this transplant? I think this is an interesting article because this is a very important topic in today's society.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

On this article Mr. Bernhardt posted I think the school district over stepped their bounds. The only reason why they should have received the password is if it was a personal attack on a teacher or faculty member. I think the administration should have notified the parents first of all then correcting the people at first. This is a very important things to talk about because we should have all the freedom in the world to speak what we want, to a certain extent. Personal attacks should not be allowed at all.

Daily News 3/15/12


From: usatoday.com

This article is telling us about the food illnesses that deal with imported food from other countries across the world into the United States. Over 2,348 people have been linked to food illnesses linked to food from over 15 countries. The most common illness was salmonella which came in at over thirty-four percent. I think this is an interesting article because lots of our products in the grocery store are from other countries if you look at the label. As Americans we should be more careful into what we are buying exactly. Good point proven in this article!

Daily 3/13/12


From: yahoo.com
by: Chris Chase Shutdown Corner

This article is about the relations to Peyton Manning's future professional football team he will choose to be his new home. The Denver Post has reported he has narrowed down his choices to four teams. The four teams included in his top four are: Miami Dolphins, Denver Broncos, Tennessee Titans, and maybe the Arizona Cardinals. I like this article because the whole entire nation has been watching carefully to this story because everyone wants a future Hall of Fame nominee to be a part of their football program. Just a very interesting article for the day and interesting because Kansas City Chiefs at one time were interested in him and he has not chosen the Chiefs to be his next hometown.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Daily News 3/12/12

Courtesy: yahoo.com
This article is to help someone pick out the 2012 NCAA Men's Basketball Team Tournament. Number one don't pick more than two number one seeds to make the final four. Number two don't pick crazy upsets especially late in the tournament. And the other top important thing is pick the highest seed in the final four. This is a very exciting article because selection Sunday was just yesterday. Love basketball and will watch every single minute of every single day!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Daily News 3/8/12


By:Denise Chow Space.com
Website: yahoo.com

My article is about the sun releasing solar flares from the surface of the sun. These flares happened late Tuesday night traveling up to 4 million mph through space. Blasts of plasma and charged particles were headed towards Earth. Many radio transformers, and satellites will be effected by these solar flares due to the fact that there were so many radiation and the magnetic field. These disruptions should be happening throughout the day today and should only continue for 24 hours. I like this article very much because this is important for the future because when the sun does decide to burst the Earth will be effected by it. Very interesting article for today!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Daily News 3/6/12


By:Pete Thomas of GrindTv.com
This article is about Nathan Adams caught a bluefin tuna of a lifetime. This fish weighed in at 738 pounds! He caught it aboard an eighteen foot fishing vessel while on a competition off of Houhora New Zealand. The fish set an all tackle world record. He has also caught a 788 pound marlin in the past setting a club record. Both of these fish were kept and sent to a taxidermist so he can live his memories of catching the big fish forever and years to come. I really liked this article because I love to fish and appreciate fisherman catching big fish like that around the world. It would be tough to top that big of fish in comparison to any other people. Great news article for today!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Daily News 3/1/12

Courtesy of Yahoo.com
This article is about a 340 ton rock from Riverside, California traveling to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Michael Heizer selected this rock to be a part of his new piece of artwork he will start working once the rock arrives. It will take crews 11 nights to make the 105 mile journey to southern California. This is a huge undertaking of a project and would take lots of man power in order to move this huge piece of granite. Very cool article very interesting news!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Facebook: Wall Post

Facebook: Wall Post

            “Happy Valentine’s Day, My Best Friend!!!,” received status update February 14  2012, at ten o’clock. It brings joy to my face when my best friend writes on my Facebook wall. Has the social media affected your life? Do you get on Facebook or Twitter often to look at the new gossip? Studying the mass social media, has been a huge eye-opener; social networking is a huge part of the American culture right now. As Brian Williams, a news anchor for NBC Nightly News, says, “It’s all about you. Me. And all the various forms of the first-person singular.” We think of ourselves before anybody else, it’s all about me, myself, and I. I don’t like the fact that people think that way, but it’s unfortunate that people only think about themselves today. There are many points of emphasis that Brian Williams, Andie Wurster, and the movie The Social Network bring up about this modern social networking world. Some of these points include: the origin of Facebook, warnings, benefits, and business lessons that go along with this technological world.
            First of all, the original Facebook came out in 2004, with four founders. The names of the founders are: Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes were named the four founding fathers of this world-wide website. A movie came out about founding of the social network of Facebook in 2010. One opinion of this film from Eduardo Saverin, the CFO for the company Facebook, says, “… The movie was clearly intended to be entertainment and not a fact-based documentary.” Most of the stuff about this movie is entertainment based with a few factual based elements incorporated in the film. Eduardo Saverin is an important opinion because he is the one who is in charge of the financial part of the business. Mark Zuckerberg states a similar review about this movie that received many golden globes in 2010. Zuckerberg said in an arrogant way that he thinks the movie is not even close to the way Facebook was founded upon. This movie really brought up many questions for me. Did he actually steal the idea from the twins? With the starting of Facebook will this start a new generation of social networking users?
            Many precautions and warnings are associated with Facebook and other social media websites. Andie Wurster tells us a variety of these warnings about how we publicize our personal life. Wurster, who is a well-respected writer, brings up the fact that the Internet is open and free to just about anyone in the world. However, some people post inappropriate pictures of themselves and post verbal attacks on their friend’s walls. She also warns us about the out-of-control invites everyone to parties; so many people who are complete strangers at one party can sometimes lead to violence. One of the most important cautions to have on social media networking is the privacy setting. In my opinion the privacy setting on Facebook is an important part of my profile. Only showing when my birthday is and not the year I was born allows me not to let others know how old I am and my current address. These privacy settings have probably saved many children’s lives from the others in the world. A quote from the film, The Social Network, puts this whole idea in one sentence: “the internet isn’t written in pencil, it’s written in ink.” This quote sums the warnings that come with being a member of Facebook or any other social media. Employers and schools like colleges also look at your Facebook to see what your life is like and how you behave. Most employers before hiring their employees check these websites and that’s how they illuminate people from a job position.
            There are also some benefits of social networking. Meeting new people from different backgrounds, different interests, and different cultures is just one of the many benefits of networking. Ms. Wurster has come up with many interesting benefits of socializing through the internet. Sharing online invitations, visiting with distant friends or family members, or even just giving your old high school friend a shout is what the social media is about. Connecting with old friends and bringing new people together is what Wurster is trying to directly say to us about benefits of online social interaction. I agree with her. Some of these benefits out weigh the warnings or cautions of the social media. Some of the main benefits to Facebook and other social media outlets, in my opinion, are how readily available the information is about family members, friends and others. You can always check up on them anytime and know how they are and what they are doing. I often catch up with my aunt and uncle that live in West Virginia on Facebook, and I also talk with other friends that have moved away. I appreciate Facebook just for the fact I can talk to friends and family that live out-of-state. The only draw back would be that not everybody has a Facebook page, especially some of the older members of a family. There are many, many, many benefits that can be found in having Facebook, but there are also hard business lessons that were learned with the original development in the Facebook corporation.
            Business lessons of Facebook, that surround the whole controversy of who came up with the original idea is one of the business lessons we learned about within the movie and in the articles. Zuckerberg continued to learn what real business is all about. Zuckerberg and Saverin fought about who was in charge of financial management. Zuckerberg let “this idea be potentially worth millions of dollars.” Eduardo Saverin also had to become grown up very quickly majoring in business in college and become the CFO of the website of Facebook. Even though he was young and inexperienced that didn’t get him any free passes. When he signed his “death certificate” that document basically lost most of his fortune he had in Facebook.
            Many people across the world use this website and continue to use social media. It’s not just only Facebook; but there are also other websites like Twitter, MySpace, and Blogspot on the internet. The one idea of Facebook took on a whole new level in our society today. Overall, the social media has impacted America and people across the world. It connects them with family and friends across the globe and will continue to advance.